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Wednesday, August 2, 2017

ENTB is developing veterinary treatments for cancer and autoimmune disorders in Dogs, Cats and animals!

Entest Biomedical, Inc.


Zander Therapeutics, Inc. is a veterinary biotechnology company that is wholly owned by ENTB.  Zander is focused on developing veterinary treatments for cancer and auto immune disorders (such as arthritis) by enlisting the animals’ own immune system.  Zander’s main areas of interest include: autoimmune disorders such as arthritis, immunotherapies for cancer treatment in canines and bone marrow suppression therapy for animals treated with chemotherapy and radiation therapy.  ENTB is targeting canine cancer, especially considering that 50% of all dogs over the age of 10 years will develop some form of cancer. Feline Leukemia (FL) is another focal point, with 2-3% of all cats in the United States carrying the feline leukemia virus.  Additionally, ENTB is looking at arthritis in animals from dogs and cats to thoroughbred horses.

ENTB’s goal is to utilize small molecule therapies for treating autoimmune disorders (arthritis) in animal companions, feline leukemia (cats) and canine cancer (dogs).  Currently, Zander Therapeutics is developing products treating blood disorders using small molecules based on nuclear receptor NR2F6 under an exclusive license agreement for veterinary use from Regen BioPharma Inc. (OTCQB: RGBP).  Ongoing objectives include gene silencing for treating cancer with immunotherapy, modulating key molecular processes in cancer stem cells through Zander’s patented molecular targeting approaches and repairing damaged bone marrow in animals with aplastic anemia and bone marrow suppression due to side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy-treated cancer patients.

Products in Development

·         ZT 110 is an NR2F6 inhibitor feline leukemia
·         ZT 240 is an NR2F6 inhibitor for canine cancer
·         ZT 396 is an NR2F6 stimulator for exercise included pulmonary hemorrhage (equine)

Dogs in the United States

·         A 2015-16 survey from the American Pet Products Association found the number of pet dogs in the U.S. to be approximately 77.8 million

Cats in the United States

·         A 2015-16 survey from the American Pet Products Association (APPA) found the number of pet cats in the U.S. to be approximately 85.8 million

Entest Biomedical, Inc.

4700 Spring Street

Suite 304

La Mesa, CA 91942

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